PlayerStat Data - Waterford FC Academy & SETU Arena Partnership

Posted On April 18, 2024


We’re proud to announce our first partnership for 2023 – with the Waterford FC Academy and the SETU Arena.

At PlayerStat Data, our mission is to democratize player performance data insights for all levels of youth amateur soccer. Through our objective player development data monitoring platform, clients can drive their players’ development pathways & help them become the very best youth players that they can be.
We’re proud to announce our first partnership for 2023 – with the Waterford FC Academy and the SETU Arena. The Waterford FC Academy setup is stacked with great potential across all squads & are based out of the SETU Arena - a unrivalled sporting facility at the heart of sporting excellence in Waterford and the South-East.

Waterford FC Academy will have unique access (among LOI academies) to our player development monitoring platform this coming 2023 season – helping staff to monitor player progress objectively through our revolutionary player data platform.

A huge thanks to Mike Geoghegan for his support during the testing process & now as our first client.
Colin Brett, PlayerStat Data CEO: “I’m honoured to announce this partnership today. As a Waterford United/FC fan for 25+ years, I'm delighted that PlayerStat Data will help drive youth player potential forward across my hometown Academy; a very forward-thinking League of Ireland academy.

Being a SETU alumni, I’m particularly excited to begin a solid working association with the Arena & help contribute to the growing reputation & infrastructure of the facility.”

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