WHY we’ll revolutionize Player Development pathways…

Posted On May 01, 2024


Why should clubs & academies work with us? Why our offering over that of our competitors? WHY NOT work with PlayerStat Data??

Over the last five months, we have tested our data platform elements with clubs & academies across the USA, Canada, Ireland and the UK.

While our research is ongoing, to this point we’ve spoken with over 100 Head Coaches, Academy Directors, Technical Directors & Heads of Player Development.

We’ve worked closely alongside:

  • Cat 1 Academies in the UK,
  • League of Ireland academies producing a wealth of talent for the Irish underage setup,
  • Clubs in the USA with over 12,000 players under their guidance,
  • Clubs preparing for the major MLS Next Cup in Dallas
  • Ontario clubs travelling to US Showcase events in preparation for their own season.

One question we were asked across our research & testing process was relatively simple but very important – “why PlayerStat Data?….why should we work with an Irish startup coming over here?”

Now is a good time to put the WHY out for all to see.

Why us? – Passion for Player Development

Our data offerings are solely focused on the U13-U19 age levels. Covering all teams across these age levels, our clients can access a unique Player Development data tool – with a laser focus on enhancing development pathways for young soccer players.

But why U13-U19 age levels? Why are we not like other offerings & cover senior soccer levels also?

The answer is simple – we believe that helping clubs & academies to develop young players’ potential as much as they can, will ultimately allow the player realize their own goals on the soccer field.

We’ve worked with truly inspirational coaches & directors in the past few months. Those that…

  • Care for each player under their watch & wants to give them the best chance of being a better player month-on-month.
  • Get great satisfaction when their players come out on top in a tough tournament.
  • Take immense pride from seeing their players develop through the years as a player AND person.

Similarly, our own passion stems from seeing young players get enjoyment and what success is to them within soccer.

Within our employee team, we’ve PT coaches who work all-year-around with young players to bring them to the next stage of their pathway.

  • We know firsthand the effort it takes for clubs & academies to develop young players’ talent.
  • We know that focusing rabidly on this U13-U19 sector will provide the tools our clients want and need.
  • Finally, we know the excited feeling when young players realize their own goals. We want our clients to have this feeling on a much more regular basis than their competitors.

Why us? – Our Team

At PlayerStat Data, we have a team that stands out from the rest. A small team of well-experienced soccer & tech experts and advisors that are at the top of their respective fields.

  • Employees with vast youth coaching experience, youth coaching qualifications & success on a national level on the field. Knowing what it takes to help young players to develop.
  • A CTO with 20+ years’ experience in the tech space & ability to turn a client’s wishlist into platform reality.
  • Advisors with vast experience in the Player Development academic space, working with FIFA, UEFA and a number of national youth associations.

All their expertise, experience and efforts put into developing a data solution to be a global leader in the underage Player Development space.

Why us? – Our Club Partners

At PlayerStat Data, we’ve been very lucky to work with great clubs & great soccer people in the past few months.

We gave them an innovative unique tool to look at their club & academy talents.

They gave us excellent feedback & suggestions to mold our data offering around THEIR needs & problems – not what WE thought they needed.

Furthermore, they saw the opportunity to objectively monitor their players’ development pathways and bend the data tool to their own unique requirements & player outlook.

As a result, we’re confident we are developing a Player Development tool that will revolutionize Player Development pathway monitoring in the coming years.

Why us? – Our Data Output

We see our current company size as a huge advantage. We have the ability to create bespoke elements of our platform for each & every client.

Offering all clients the same level of player performance data output & then producing it to meet their own unique requirements…

Clubs & academies take slight different outcomes on board across performances each season.

Understanding there are those possession-focused users want to see how comfortable & effective their players are on the ball.

Realizing some users were very interested in creativity & the phase of a chance creation their creative players were getting involved in.

Every player, every club and every academy has the potential to be very different to their counterparts.

Therefore we’ve positioned our data solution to meet the individual needs of all our clients.

Why us? – Future initiatives & innovations

In the next 12 months, we’ll introduce exciting additions that will further strengthen our clients’ own competitive advantage across their regions:

  • The ability to assess their players’ progress & outputs compared to others across the same age.
  • Event location data (driven by our own AI model) to bring extra context on each event to the table.
  • Constantly working with our clients to ensure our data content is fresh, valuable & understandable.

And finally,

  • Adding elements to our 360° Player Development data platform to further strengthen & enhance the objective picture users can obtain across clubs & academies.

Why PlayerStat Data and not someone else?

We stand out from the rest based on:

  • Our Ssecialization & sole focus on the U13-U19 age levels.
  • Our passion for Player Development & the impact it has on the young players.
  • An extensive testing program with a wide range of club partners, understanding what is required.
  • vastly experienced team of employees & advisors who know this sector inside-out.
  • Our data output makeup & future tech developments in the coming 12-18 months

Our mission is simple & effective – work closely with youth soccer clubs & Academies to fully enhance young players’ development pathway potential.

  1. We’re fully committed to producing elite-level soccer data insights for the youth soccer market.

2. We’re fully committed to ‘democratizing’ player development data output – making it accessible & affordable for all that want to embrace its potential impact.

3. Finally, our passion for this great sport & and its lasting impact on the young player as a person means we are 100% dedicated to producing an objective data monitoring tool that allows all of our clients to maximize their own impacts on the lives of these young players!!!

That is why clubs & academies across the USA & Canada should work with us PlayerStat Data.

This is our WHY for doing what we do – what’s your WHY??

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